Why Work With EMR Support Group to Develop Your Solution?
EMR Support Group, LLC provides the much sought-after software solutions in the Healthcare industry, delivering technology driven business solutions that meet the strategic objectives of our clients. EMR Support Group, LLC furnishes its clients with an unmatched business value through a combination of process excellence, quality frameworks and service delivery innovation. These solutions can be customize based on the requirement of every customer. The following are some of the applications we provide for the Healthcare industry.
Dashboard for ED and RAD procedure
This is an application that monitors the current lab status. It’s a dashboard-like application that shows current ED and RAD (radiology) procedure status.

Digital Form Repository and Designer
QuickForms ™
QuickForms™ is a feature-rich hospital forms automation application that ensures the fast processing of health care forms. QuickForms™, the innovative solution from EMR, facilitates the transition of conventional and more complicated pre-printed form completion to a more convenient, productive, and paperless process. It will allow the user to complete the documentation process online without the need to store physical forms.
QuickForms™ is simply not a form completion and printing software. It uses the native integration technique to incorporate valuable information such as patient demographics, visit ID, physician name, etc. into the core system. QuickForms™ has the ability to generate bar codes online which can be printed on specific forms. Users are able to arrange the form tree specific to their facility in a very simple and effective way.
Real time tracking of Infants transfer!
Baby Tracker
Baby Tracking app will help the user to track Baby’s transfer in an effective way with zero error! This solution is a combination of both Android and desktop applications. The App can be installed on any android device. This enables the user to scan the QR code and Bar codes in the wrist bands of Mother and Baby so that transfer will be safe and secure.

Real-time tissue tracking
Tissue Tracker
Tissue and implants can be the most valuable items in your healthcare facility. This critical inventory must be accurately managed and well-maintained to minimize waste. Tissue Tracking lets you track and manage your implant tissue—safely, efficiently, and cost-effectively.
With an easy-to-install, user-friendly web interface, all the information and data you need to make informed decisions about tissue and implant inventory is accessible in real-time. Tissue Tracking lets you quickly reach affected implants and ensure patient safety, without wasting valuable staff time sifting through paperwork.
Tracking medication administration compliancy
An application designed for tracking medication administration compliancy.

Monitoring the patient live status,basically in ICU
EMR Health Analytics
EMR health analytics application is developed for monitoring the patient’s live status, basically in ICU. The application fetches live data from the HIS system at a specific frequency and shows the information on the screen. The application has several segments to show different data as directed by the administering group. A new segment can be added or an existing segment can be removed at any point in time with the help of the IT support team
An application designed for c-suite reporting needs
C-Suite Analytics
An application designed for c-suite reporting needs.

Displaying the payroll details in each payroll period
Checkstub (Paystub)
Check stub also named Paystub is developed for displaying the payroll details in each payroll period. Before developing this application, the paystub details are distributed among employees are using a sheet of paper. As the payroll period is biweekly, the HR/Payroll department has to distribute this sheet of paper twice every month to all their employees. So to avoid the excessive use of paper and time, we developed this application
Medicaid patients; increasing Medicaid reimbursements
This solution helps the admins to add/manage patients for various wellness programs, thus increasing the Medicaid reimbursements.

Electronic display of OR procedures against a patient
OR Board
OR Board is an electronic display of OR procedures against a patient. Also, Admin can manage resources allocated for a particular OR.This is seamlessly integrated with HIS
Hospital Surgery Scheduling
Surgical Scheduling
This application enables the surgeons to view their schedules for a day and the admin can track all the surgeon’s schedules with procedure details.

Validate credentials and based on that the user can access
the application
EMT Tracking
The application will have a login screen to validate credentials and based on that the user can access
the application.
Maintaining patient details
Registry is used for maintaining patient details. For a patient, there may be different visits, and each visit has a visit ID to differentiate each visits. So for each visit, the patient may add to different programs.

Form (Document) Automation System
Quickforms is a form (document) automation system intended to use in hospitals. This application keeps all the forms electronically and print whenever needed. The hospital employees are the users and they can login to the system using their AD username and password or the username and password that is added to Quickforms according to the setup that the hospital want to do. When the user login to the system he/she can see the list of documents as a tree structure in the left side. The patient list will be populated at the right side of the form. The user can select form(s) and patient(s) and print forms. The print function will takes place according to the set up,more specifically, to which printer and tray.
Spot patients and their current location
Patient Demography
This is an application to help volunteers in the front-office to spot patients and their current location including bed while there is a visit enquiry. The application will show all the inpatients in the hospital..